The Executive Masterminds group meets on a monthly basis (your group will decide what time works best for you!). Each member joins with the agreement that they will fully invest themselves in attending the group and learning about their own business issues as well as supporting other group members with theirs.
Each session focuses on a specific business goal or challenge of one member of the group. This focus person describes her business challenge in detail (both in writing before the scheduled meeting and then briefly verbally), responds to other members’ clarifying questions to learn more about the full spectrum of the issue in question, listens to feedback from each individual in the group framed as “if it were me, I would try”..
The focus person then chooses which recommended actions she commits to take over the month before the next meeting. Each member of the group reports their “takeaway”- what they learned for themselves and their business that meeting. The next month, that previous focus person reports back on the success of her actions she committed to as a result of her Masterminds session. Then the focus person for the present month describes the issue they are presenting and the process continues.
This powerful format enables both clarity and accountability for the individual business owner. Not surprisingly, all members gain wisdom about their own similar business challenges in the process of focusing on one woman’s issue each time. The facilitators frame each session with a central concept and offer challenging takeaway queries that each participant can use to deepen her learning between sessions.